We always welcome your donations - You can support our remarkable organization and the 200+ participants who enjoy character development, academic excellence, community service, football, and cheerleading with the Knights.

Interested in making a gift (funds, land, or something other)?

If you've got questions, we've got answer Contact Us

For the 2016 season the Chesapeake Knights will hold a Mandatory Fun-Raiser with a $75 buy-out per player option that will go towards supporting the Organization. More info to come.

Sponsorships and Donations

We are dependent on our sponsors and have many levels of recognition for small and large businesses.  Get exposure for your business while you help support 200+ youth from the Hampton Roads area.

If you or your company would be so generous, please contact us at info@chesapeakeknights.com for more information.

Teams earn 100% credit toward their fundraising goal for sponsorships and donations!  
